Saturday, May 17, 2014

Slight Change Here at Ghia's World

Yes, it's been awhile. I've actually been working on creative things, but not jewelry, art, or anything like that. I've been cleaning out the art room, working on a scrapbook for my grandparent's 60th anniversary, and, of course, trying to plan for the future with baby (June 6th we'll find out if it's a boy or girl!).

I've decided that instead of this just being a craft blog, which I had originally intended, it will now truly be about the things in my life that inspire me, or just the random things I'm doing that I may want to record here so I can look back on them and smile.

I decided that instead of thinking something wasn't worth posting here (maybe people WOULD be interested in seeing my scrapbooking layouts, or my de-cluttering process - maybe people will want to know how my husband and I are planning to re-organize our house to better accomodate our child-to-be.)

Maybe, just maybe, by blogging more, I'll hit my stride, and eventually this little space in the cyber universe really will represent my little world, and maybe even hold me accountable so when I say I want to make pretty things full-time and sell them, I'll just jump in, be brave enough, and try to make that happen.

And let's hope that this is the first and last post on this blog without a photo or link in it!

Thanks for listening!

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