Thursday, April 24, 2014

Just Checking In!

Hello, readers! (All 1 or 2 of you!)

It's been over a week, I think, since I've updated - and since my camera is working after all (it was the batteries, never cheap out on camera batteries), I should really be keeping on top of this!

I'll make my excuses, though, and plan to aim for a post at least once a week in the next few weeks (May is looking to be a bit of a busy-ish month for me.)

First of all, I can announce this now that the word is officially out, my husband and I are expecting a baby in October (the 27th is the due date, which happens to be our 2 year wedding anniversary!). This is an excuse as to my sporatic blogging, because man, is the first trimester an energy-drainer, or what?

Now that I'm making my way into the 2nd trimester, and not feeling so tired or heartburn-y, I've caught a cold. Not a bad one, but I've been working a bit more than usual (I picked up an extra shift at work almost every week so far this month), so today on my day off, I'd kind of rather stay on the couch and nap or read than upload and edit photos...also, my house is a mess, and if I can muster the energy, I'd like to start some spring cleaning, or at least regular tidying!

I won't say May will be a write-off, but I do have quite a bit happening. It'll start off with my husband and I hearing our baby's heartbeat (which we both got the day off for, so have decided to go out and celebrate after), another week at work where I have more hours than usual. My nephew's birthday is on the 8th, and I still have to find the perfect gift! My birthday happens to be on Mother's Day this year, so obviously, I'll be celebrating with my mom - also, that's the time of year when my dad goes on his week long fishing trip, so mom and I get together for dinner and eat sushi and other things that dad doesn't particularily care for! Ending the month is a party for my grandparents' 60th anniversary/ Gramma's 80th birthday, and my aunt, mom and I are working on a photo album for that, so there's still a lot of scanning, printing, and scrapbooking ahead! (I haven't even printed and scrapbooked my own wedding photos from 2012 yet!)

The good news, craft-wise, is that when spring hits (like for real, as in warmth and more than 1 or 2 sunny days a week), I get very inspired in the craft room. I think it has to do with all of the colour that finally starts to bloom around me, and the natural light that shines in the windows.

I am working on a pair of earrings, which I've photographed in the process from the original design sketch, to each stage until completion. It changes drastically from concept to finished product! Stay tuned!

I'm ending this novel now, then I'll finish my coffee and try to force myself to at least vacuum before claiming the couch and watching some Doctor Who on Netflix!

Anyone else trying to get motivated to spring clean? Anyone finished?

1 comment:

  1. Life gets so busy its hard to find time to post sometimes. I'm stuck in the throes of that right not myself :(
